Unit Outlines:
◆ AS3-1: Digital Detective
◇ Date/Time & Location
◇ Group Operation: table & tapply
◆ AS3-2: Stock Price
◇ Time Series Data
◇ Trend in Line Plots
◇ Iterative List Operation
◆ AS3-3: US Census
◇ Missing Value (NA)
◇ Merging Data Frames
◆ Team Assignment
◆ 10/10 Date Off, Week17&18
Assignment Notebook:
Google Drive:
◆ Course Material ( ~/ib533/ )
Week2 Assignment: Due: 2022/09/25 (Sun.) 23:59
Personal Assignment
◆ Complete and Annotate Notebooks unit2C, knit and upload to
the folder [ ~/person/unit2C/ ] with filename “student_id_unit2C.html”
Group Assignment
◆ Complete Notebooks AS3-(1|2|3), knit and upload to
[ ~/team/Group#/ ] w/ filename “G#_AS2-(1|2|3).html”
Reference Links:
◆ John Hopkins: R Programming online course
◆ John Hopkins: R Programming eBook
◆ Harvard: Data Science ebook
◆ Week03 Video Recording