1. Introductions (IB533 111.1)

Unit Outlines:
◆ What is Business Analytics (BA)?
◆ Why learning R?
◆ Portal of the BA Platform
◆ Intro. the Course & Micro-Curriculums
◆ Intro. R & Rstudio
◆ Datacamp: introduction to R

◆ Our TA’s
Initial Survey
◆ Team Assignment & Cross rating
◆ Collaborative Learning Session

Google Drive: 
◆ Course Material ( ~/ib533/ )
◆ Unit 01 ( ~/ib533/01_Course_Intro/ )

Week1 Assignment: Due: 2022/09/11 (Sun.) 23:59
◆ Fill in Initial Survey Form
◆ Install R 和 RStudio
◆ Watch YouTube – Introduction to R
◆ Apply your DataCamp account
◆ Complete DataCamp Online Course :Introduction to R
unload the certificate to【~/person/01_Intro_R/
with the file name “<student_id>_Intro_R”

◆  Portal of Big Data BA Platform
◆  R: Self Learning Roadmap
◆  John Hopkins: R Programming online course
◆  John Hopkins: R Programming eBook
◆  Harvard: Data Science online course
◆  Harvard: Data Science ebook

◆ Introduction to R YouTube Playlist
Week01 Video Recording