11. From Prediction to Decision (IB533 2022.09)

Unit Outlines:
◆ Linear Models Review
。Linear Regression vs. Logistic Regression
。Modeling and Predicting Process
。Model Accuracy Measures
◆ Model Accuracy of Logistic Regression
。Predictions (Predicted Probability)
。The Classified Distribution of Predicted Probability (DPP)
。Threshold and Confusion Matrix
。Accuracy, Sensitivity and Specificity
。ROC and AUC
◆ From Prediction to Decision
。Optimal Strategy for Maximal Expected Payoff
。Confusion Matrix and Payoff Matrix
。Cutoff to Take Action
。Simulation for Optimal Cutoff
。Interactive Simulation in R

Unit Notebook:
◆ UNIT11A : Distribution of Predicted Probability ( unit11A.html )
◆ UNIT11B : Model Prediction vs. Business Decision ( unit11B.html )
Simulation Codes:
◆ Classified DPP Simulator( enDPPSIM.R )
◆ Interactive Cutoff Simulator ( Sim11B.R )

Google Drive: 
◆ Course Material : [  ~/ib533/ ]
◆ Unit07:  [ ~/ib533/11_Decision/ ]

Unit11 Assignment: Due: 2022/12/11 (Sun.) 23:59
Personal Assignment:
Finish the exercises in unit11A & unit11B, knit the html and
upload to folder [ ~/person/11_Decision/ ]
with filename “<Student-ID>_unit11A.html”
with filename “<Student-ID>_unit11B.html”

◆  From Data to Viz
◆  Portal of Big Data BA Platform
◆  R: Self Learning Roadmap
◆  John Hopkins: R Programming online course
◆  John Hopkins: R Programming eBook
◆  Harvard: Data Science online course
◆  Harvard: Data Science ebook

◆ Week07c Video Recording