5. Dplyr Package (IB533 2022.09)

Unit Outlines:
◆ unit5A: Introduction to `dplyr`
◇ Transform & Create Columns
◇ Filtering and Ordering Rows
◇ Group Summary
◇ Enhancement Features
◆ unit5B: Group Operation
◇ Embedded Group Structure
◇ Types of function: summarise, vector & windows
◇ Group Summarise
◇ Group Mutate
◆ TaFeng01: Data Preparation
◇ Retail POS Data
◇ Items, Transactions and Customers

Unit Notebook:
◆ Unit5A Introduction to dplyr  : unit05A_Dplyr.html
◆ Unit5B Group Operation : unit05B_GroupOp.html
◆ TF1_Prep Data Preparation :  tafeng/1_Prep.html

Google Drive: 
◆ Course Material : [  ~/ib533/ ]
◆ Unit05:  [ ~/ib533/05_dplyr/ ]

Unit05 Assignment: Due: 2022/10/16 (Sun.) 23:59
Personal Assignment
Complete DataCamp Course : Data manipulation with dplyr in R
upload the certificate to folder [ ~/person/05_dplyr/ ]
with filename “student_id_datacamp_dplyr.pdf”
Group Assignment
Complete Notebooks , knit and upload to
[ ~/team/group#/ ]  with filename “G#_TF1_Prep.html”

◆  Portal of Big Data BA Platform
◆  R: Self Learning Roadmap
◆  John Hopkins: R Programming online course
◆  John Hopkins: R Programming eBook
◆  Harvard: Data Science online course
◆  Harvard: Data Science ebook

◆ Week05 Video Recording