2. Basic Programming (IB533 111.1)

Unit Outlines:
◆ 02A: vector Operation & Function Calls
◇ vectors & operators
◇ functions & their arguments
◆ 02B: Using Index
◇ position (integer) index
◇ name (character) index
◇ conditional (logical index)
◆ 02C: Data Case – Comics Characters
◇ read data frame
◇ examine variables
◇ character vs. factor variables
◇ ordering & filtering
◇ counts & proportion
◇ categorical operations

◆ Our TA
◆ Co-Learning Sessions
◆ Team Assignment

Unit Notebook:
◆ UNIT2A:Vector Operations & Function Calls
◆ UNIT2B:Using Index
◆ UNIT2C:Data Case – Comics Characters (1)

Google Drive: 
◆ Course Material ( ~/material/ )
◆ Unit 02 ( ~/material/02_Basic_Programming/ )

Week2 Assignment: Due: 2022/09/18 (Sun.) 23:59
Personal Assignment
◆ Complete and Annotate Notebooks unit2B, knit and upload to
the folder [ ~/person/unit2B/ ] with filename “student_id_unit2B.html”

◆  Portal of Big Data BA Platform
◆  R: Self Learning Roadmap
◆  John Hopkins: R Programming online course
◆  John Hopkins: R Programming eBook
◆  Harvard: Data Science online course
◆  Harvard: Data Science ebook

Week02 Video Recording
Week03 Video Recording