6. Ggplot2 Package (IB533 2022.09)

Unit Outlines:
◆ Visualization & Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
◆ The ggplot2 Package – Map Variables to Attributes
◆ Comparing Attributes with Scatter Plots
◆ Group and Sub-group Comparison with Bar Plots
◆ Observing Trend with Line Plots

Unit Notebook:
◆ 7A Scatter Plots for Comparing Attributes : geom_point.html
◆ 7B Bar Plots for Group Comparison : geom_bar.html
◆ 7C Comparing Trends in Line Plots : geom_line.html
◆ TF2_Explore Data Exploration : tafeng/2_Explore.html

Google Drive: 
◆ Course Material : [  ~/ib533/ ]
◆ Unit05:  [ ~/ib533/06_Ggplot2/ ]

Unit06 Assignment: Due: 2021/10/23 (Sun.) 23:59
Group Assignment: following TF2_Explore
Use what we’ve learned in this course to explore the POS data.
Knit your exploration notebook and upload the HTML file to
[ ~/team/Group#/ ] with filename “G#_TF2_Explore.html”

◆  Portal of Big Data BA Platform
◆  R: Self Learning Roadmap
◆  John Hopkins: R Programming online course
◆  John Hopkins: R Programming eBook
◆  Harvard: Data Science online course
◆  Harvard: Data Science ebook

◆ Week05 Video Recording