Unit Outlines:
◆ Exploration : Comparing the Subject’s Attributes
◆ Data Summary => Visualization => Methods
◆ Multi-Variable => Multi-Dimension Space
◆ Clustering: Groups of Similar Subjects
◆ Dimension Reduction: Reduce No. Variables
Unit Notebook:
◆ Airline Customer Segmentation (unit07B.html)
Google Drive:
◆ Course Material : [ ~/ib533/ ]
Unit07b Assignment: Due: 2022/11/06 (Sun.) 23:59
Group Assignment: Midterm Report
Applying the EDA techniques we’ve learned to the Tafeng data
Knit your final exploration notebook and upload the HTML file to
[ ~/team/Group#/ ] with filename “G#_Midterm.html”
Prepare a 8 minutes presentation to be delivered in the class of 12/06
[ ~/team/Group#/ ] with filename “G#_Midterm.pptx”
◆ John Hopkins: R Programming online course
◆ John Hopkins: R Programming eBook
◆ Harvard: Data Science ebook
◆ Week07c Video Recording