The Practice of Business Analytics (Fall’2021)
? Course ID:IB533 (110.1) 2021/09/27 ~ 2022/01/17
? Time/Place: Every Monday Morning 09:10 ~ 12:00 / R3051
? Collaborative Learning Session: Wednesday 18:30 ~ 21:30 in CM3038
? Collaborative Learning Session: Friday 14:00 ~ 17:00 in CM1032
?? Instructor: Yung-Jan Cho, tonychuo@mail.nsysu.edu.tw
※ The class will be online 1st week. Join us in this URL
※ Please do the followings Before the First Class:
■ Join our Facebook Group
■ Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
■ Fill in the Initial Questionnaire
※ For the First Week, 09/27 09:10:
■ The class will be online 1st week. Join us in this URL
■ 1st week covers substantial course subjects. Don’t miss it.
■ If you missed, you’d find the material and video recording under this page.
※ Starting from the 2nd week:
■ Bring in your notebook computers with `R` 和 `RStudio` installed!
◇ 【 Facebook 】 ◇ 【 YouTube 】 ◇ 【 Google Drive 】 ◇ 【 TA TEAM 】 ◇
Course Outlines
01 Intro. R and RStudio
02 Cases: Solving Business Problems by Data Manipulation
03 Descriptive Analysis with Simple Plots
04 Cases: Exploring Data by Comparison
05 Applicational Probability in R
06 Case: Data, Model, Prediction, Decision
07 Case: Analyze Marketing Research Data
08 Explorative Analysis Methods
09 Data Visualization Techniques
10 Cases: Clustering and Dimension Reduction
11 Case: Retail POS Data
12 Predicting Quantity, Linear Regression
13 Predicting Probability, Logistic Regression
14 Case: Customer Value Management
15 From Decision to Prediction
16 Assumption and Simulation
17 Performance Evaluation and Optimization
18 Capstone Project: Data Driven Marketing Plan
Course Description
Capitalizing the business school’s Big Data Business Analytics Platform (https://bap2.cm.nsysu.edu.tw/), in this course we cover: (1) R Language Basics, (2) Data Exploration and Visualization, (3) Application of Probability & Statistics, (4) Applicational R-Packages, and (5) Practical Strategic Planning. Besides the aforementioned topics of business analysis, this course also prepares the students for advanced technical courses related to big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence in the General Management, Digital Marketing and FinTech Micro Curriculums in the ITSA Program (https://bap2.cm.nsysu.edu.tw/?page_id=513).
Although there is no mandatory prerequisites, basic knowledge of probability (high school level) is presumed. As for statistics, we will align with the class of IB502 (110.1) – Statistics and Quantitative Methods. The course loading is quite heavy. For those who do not have programming experience, it’d take 6 ~ 10 hours per week to finish the personal and team assignments.
- Introduce to programming (R) language. Overcome the entry barrier of programming language with interactive notebooks, web-pages and web-based simulation tools.
- Develop major business analytics skills in practical data cases.
- Practice and experience the synergy among programming language, statistics and managerial knowledge.
- Prepare the advanced analytics courses that involve big-data, ma-chine learning and/or artificial intelligence.
Text Book
No text book is required. There is an optional (online, free) reference book at:
Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund, R for Data Science, O’REILLY 2016 (https://r4ds.had.co.nz/)
We will use self-developed materials, including web pages, program notebooks, app’s and presentation files as below
- Course website: integer the self-made materials and the online resources to facilitate mutual learning. (HTML)
- Guided videos: assist students to understand and preview the online contents.
- Handouts: the slides of every unit. (PPT)
- Course notes: code used in every course will be provided. (R-Notebook)
- Assignment notes: the assignment of every unit will be provided. (R-Notebook)
- Online simulation: assist students to understand complicated concepts through the interactive simulation. (R:Shiny)
- Course videos: the videos of every course will be recorded and provided for students to review. (YouTube)
Please review the examples via the web links above.
Optional Readings
The optional reference readings are :
- Field, A., Miles, J. & Field, Z. (2012). Discovering Statistics Using R. SAGE Publications Ltd.
- Kabacoff, R. (2015). R in Action: Data Analysis and Graphics with R. Manning Publications
- Peng, R., R Programming for Data Science. The Lean Publishing (pdf)
- Venkatesan, R., Farris, P., & Wilcox, R. T. (2015). Cutting-edge marketing analytics: real world cases and data sets for hands on learning. Pearson Education.
- Wickham, H. & Grolemund, G. (2017). R for Data Science: Import, Tidy, Transform, Visualize, and Model Data. O’Reilly Media.
Online Reference Courses
- A series of Data Science courses offered by Harvard University (edX)
- A series of Strategic Business Analytics Specialization offered by ESSEC Business School and a services company, Accenture. (Coursera)
- A series of Business Analytics courses offered by Columbia University (edX)