1. Using the tools directly

There are some available package tools allow us to manage investment portfolio.

options(digits=4, scipen=100)
Sys.setlocale('LC_ALL', 'C')
## [1] "C"
## Warning: package 'fPortfolio' was built under R version 4.0.5
## Warning: package 'timeDate' was built under R version 4.0.5
## Warning: package 'timeSeries' was built under R version 4.0.5
## Warning: package 'fBasics' was built under R version 4.0.5
## Warning: package 'fAssets' was built under R version 4.0.5
## Warning: package 'tseries' was built under R version 4.0.5
## Warning: package 'modopt.matlab' was built under R version 4.0.5
## Warning: package 'ROI.plugin.glpk' was built under R version 4.0.5

Select a group of stocks and set the observation period

DJ10 = c('MMM',  'AXP',  'AAPL', 'BA',  'CAT', 'CVX',
         'CSCO', 'KO',   'XOM', 'GE')
K = length(DJ10)
dd = as.Date(c('2015-10-01','2017-09-30'))

Download the historical stock prices and calculate the rate of return

mx =  sapply(DJ10, function(x) {
  G = getSymbols(x,from=dd[1],to=dd[2],auto.assign=F)
  as.numeric(Delt(G[,6])) })[-1,]
names(mx) = DJ10
ts = as.timeSeries(mx)

Set investment restrictions

cons = c('LongOnly')
spec = portfolioSpec()
setNFrontierPoints(spec) = 25
setSolver(spec) = "solveRquadprog"
frontier = portfolioFrontier(ts, spec, cons)

Draw the efficient frontier


Calculate the best investment portfolio


2. Manual optimization

Of course, we can also use R’s optimization (linear programming) suite to practice calculating the efficiency frontier and the best investment portfolio by ourselves.

Minimum Variance Portfolio, MVP

# Minimum Variance Portfolio, MVP
solution <- quadprog(
  H = cov(mx),      # objective function 
  f = rep(0, K),    # linear terms of objective
  A = NULL,         # Inequality Constrains (LHS)
  b = NULL,         # Inequality Constrains (RHS)
  Aeq = rep(1, K),  # Equality Constrains (LHS)  
  beq = 1,          # Equality Constrains (RHS)    
  lb = rep(0, K),   # lower bound
  ub = rep(1, K)    # upper bound  
(portfolio = round(solution$x, 2))
##  [1] 0.20 0.14 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.10 0.03

Markowitz portfolio

Basically, the Markowitz portfolio is a minimally variable portfolio that limits average returns.

# define a optimization function
markowitz <- function(data, mu) {
  H = cov(data)
  f = rep(0, K)
  Aeq = rep(1, K)
  beq = 1
  A = -as.numeric(colMeans(data))
  b = -mu
  lb = rep(0, K)
  ub = rep(1, K)
  solution = quadprog(H, f, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub)
  return(round(solution$x, 2))

Practice calculating and draw the efficiency frontier of Markowitz

# calculate the frontier
P = 20    # number of points to draw
cm = colMeans(mx)
csd = apply(mx, 2, sd)
mu = c(); sd = c()
for(i in seq(mean(cm), max(cm)*0.99, length.out=P)) {
  portfolio = markowitz(mx, i)
  mu <- c(mu, mean(portfolio %*% t(mx)))
  sd <- c(sd,   sd(portfolio %*% t(mx))) }

# plot the frontier
plot(x = sd, y = mu, type='l', col='gold', lwd=3, 
     ylim=range(cm), xlim=c(min(sd),max(csd)),
     xlab="Standard Deviation", ylab="Return", 
     main="Efficient Frontier")
# points(x = sd, y = mu, col='pink', pch=19)
abline(h=seq(0,0.002,0.00025), v=seq(0, 0.02,0.001), col='lightgray', lty=3)
points(x=csd, y=cm, type='p', col='green', pch=19, cex=1.5)
text(x=csd, y=cm, labels=DJ10, col='darkgreen', pos=2, font=2)