8. Probabilities (IB533 2022.09)

Unit Outlines:
◆ Business Analytics Process as a Data Pipeline
。 Data, Stat., Visual, Model, Predict, Simulate, Optimize
◆ The Concept of Probability & Distribution
◆ Model and Modeling Process
。 Method and Method Parameters
。 Model and Model Coefficients
。 The Trade off between Sensibility & Generality
◆ Strategy Making is a Communication Process
。 Model, Predict, Simulate, Visual
。 Strategy Space: Alternatives in the Space of Objectives

Unit Notebook:
◆ 08A Intro. to Probability (08A_IntroProb)
◆ 08B Operations of Distributions (08B_DistOper)
◆ 08C Applicational Probabilities (08C_AppProb)
Data Case:
◆ The Old Faith (enFaith2ax)
Interactive Shiny App:
◆ The Old Faith Business Case(enFaith2.Rmd)

Google Drive: 
◆ Course Material : [  ~/ib533/ ]
◆ Unit08:  [ ~/ib533/08_Probabilities/ ]

Unit08 Assignment: Due: 2022/11/20 (Sun.) 23:59
Personal Assignment:
Finish the exercises in 08B_DistOper & 08C_AppProb, knit the html and
upload to folder [ person/08_Prob/ ]
with filename “<Student-ID>_08B_DistOper.html”
with filename “<Student-ID>_08C.AppProb.html”

◆  From Data to Viz
◆  Portal of Big Data BA Platform
◆  R: Self Learning Roadmap
◆  John Hopkins: R Programming online course
◆  John Hopkins: R Programming eBook
◆  Harvard: Data Science online course
◆  Harvard: Data Science ebook

◆ Week07c Video Recording