1 聯合分析

options(digits=4); par0 = par(cex=0.8)

1.1 案例資料

這是一個茶包的產品設計案例,在這個品項的4個主要 屬性(Attribute) 裡面,

  • bitter: low, medium, high
  • veriety: black, green, red
  • kind: bag, granu, lefty
  • aroma: yes, no

一共有11個 選項(Levels)

levels =   read.csv("../tea/levels.csv",stringsAsFactors=F)
##    levels
## 1     low
## 2  medium
## 3    high
## 4   black
## 5   green
## 6     red
## 7    bags
## 8   granu
## 9   leafy
## 10    yes
## 11     no

從這些設計選項之中研究人員設計出13張 卡片(Profiles)

profiles = read.csv("../tea/profiles.csv")
##    bitter variety kind aroma
## 1       3       1    1     1
## 2       1       2    1     1
## 3       2       2    2     1
## 4       2       1    3     1
## 5       3       3    3     1
## 6       2       1    1     2
## 7       3       2    1     2
## 8       2       3    1     2
## 9       3       1    2     2
## 10      1       3    2     2
## 11      1       1    3     2
## 12      2       2    3     2
## 13      3       2    3     2

並邀請100位 受測者(Respondents) , 請每一個人(依不同的卡片順序)對 每一張卡片(Full-Profile)評分(Rating)

ratings =  read.csv("../tea/ratings.csv")
dim(ratings); head(ratings)
## [1] 100  13
##   prof1 prof2 prof3 prof4 prof5 prof6 prof7 prof8 prof9 prof10 prof11 prof12 prof13
## 1     8     1     1     3     9     2     7     2     2      2      2      3      4
## 2     0    10     3     5     1     4     8     6     2      9      7      5      2
## 3     4    10     3     5     4     1     2     0     0      1      8      9      7
## 4     6     7     4     9     6     3     7     4     8      5      2     10      9
## 5     5     1     7     8     6    10     7    10     6      6      6     10      7
## 6    10     1     1     5     1     0     0     0     0      0      0      1      1

Make some auxilary data to assist plotting

col1 = c('magenta','steelblue','orange','green3','brown')
(att = apply(profiles,2,max) )
##  bitter variety    kind   aroma 
##       3       3       3       2
(attl = unlist(sapply(1:length(att), function(x) rep(x , att[x]))) )
##  [1] 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4

1.2 屬性的重要性


im = caImportance(y=ratings, x=profiles)
names(im) = names(att)
##  bitter variety    kind   aroma 
##   24.76   32.22   27.15   15.88

1.3 選項的平均價值 (APW)

計算各設計選項的平均價值 APW (Average Part Worth):

apw = caUtilities(y=ratings, x=profiles, z=levels)
## Call:
## lm(formula = frml)
## Residuals:
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -5,189 -2,376 -0,751  2,213  7,513 
## Coefficients:
##                    Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)          3,5534     0,0907   39,18  < 2e-16 ***
## factor(x$bitter)1    0,2402     0,1325    1,81     0,07 .  
## factor(x$bitter)2   -0,1431     0,1149   -1,25     0,21    
## factor(x$variety)1   0,6149     0,1149    5,35  1,0e-07 ***
## factor(x$variety)2   0,0349     0,1149    0,30     0,76    
## factor(x$kind)1      0,1369     0,1149    1,19     0,23    
## factor(x$kind)2     -0,8898     0,1325   -6,72  2,8e-11 ***
## factor(x$aroma)1     0,4108     0,0849    4,84  1,5e-06 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0,001 '**' 0,01 '*' 0,05 '.' 0,1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 2,97 on 1292 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0,09,   Adjusted R-squared:  0,0851 
## F-statistic: 18,3 on 7 and 1292 DF,  p-value: <2e-16
names(apw) = c('intercept', levels[,1])
## intercept       low    medium      high     black     green       red      bags     granu 
##   3.55336   0.24023  -0.14311  -0.09711   0.61489   0.03489  -0.64977   0.13689  -0.88977 
##     leafy       yes        no 
##   0.75289   0.41078  -0.41078


1.4 受測群體的平均喜好


barplot(im,las=2,col=1:length(im),main="Attribute Importance")
barplot(apw[2:length(apw)],las=2,col=attl,main="Average Part Worths (utils)")


1.5 受測者的個人差異

聯合分析的重點不在於 群體的平均 ,而在於 個人的差異。 聯合分析模型裡面會有每一位受測者的 選項價值係數 (part worth coef.)。

W = caPartUtilities(y=ratings, x=profiles, z=levels)
##      intercept    low medium   high  black  green    red   bags  granu  leafy    yes     no
## [1,]     3.394 -1.517 -1.141  2.659 -0.475 -0.675  1.149  0.659 -1.517  0.859  0.629 -0.629
## [2,]     5.049  3.391 -0.695 -2.695 -1.029  0.971  0.057  1.105 -0.609 -0.495 -0.681  0.681
## [3,]     4.029  2.563 -1.182 -1.382 -0.248  2.352 -2.103 -0.382 -2.437  2.818  0.776 -0.776
## [4,]     5.856 -1.149 -0.025  1.175 -0.492  1.308 -0.816 -0.825 -0.149  0.975  0.121 -0.121
## [5,]     6.250 -2.333  2.567 -0.233 -0.033 -0.633  0.667 -0.233 -0.333  0.567 -1.250  1.250
## [6,]     1.578 -0.713 -0.144  0.856  1.456 -0.744 -0.713  0.656 -0.713  0.056  1.595 -1.595

將產品選項的價值係數加起來就是該產品對某一受測者的價值(效用)。若產品 \(K\) 的規格為 \(c(k_1,k_2,k_3,k_4)\) ,它對受測者 \(i\) 的效用就是: \[ u_{i,K} = W [i,1] + \sum_{j=1}^4 W[i, k_j] \] 例如,(low,black,lefty,yes)這個產品對第6位受測者的效用是: \[ u_{6,(low,black,lefty,yes)}=1.568-0.713+1.456+0.056+1.595=3.962 \]

1.6 效用函數


我們可以定義一個 效用函數 UT(pd),用來計算產品pd對(100個)受測者的價值

UT = function(v) rowSums(W[, c(1, v + c(1,4,7,10))])
##   [1]  1.232 11.197  7.786  5.069  4.301 -0.818  0.754  4.065  3.338  3.980  4.379  4.548
##  [13]  1.107 -1.124  0.229  1.239  6.317  0.525  4.307  0.007  4.607  6.221  0.418  3.741
##  [25]  8.318  1.232 11.197  7.266  5.069  4.301 -0.818  0.754  4.065  3.338  4.113  4.332
##  [37]  4.294  1.265 -1.124  0.663  1.446  6.317  3.165  4.307  1.086  3.394  6.221  2.300
##  [49] -1.841  1.480  1.511  0.345  5.772  1.514  3.011  6.103  2.194  6.700  1.706  8.255
##  [61]  7.428  3.659  0.938  4.203  5.400  2.510  0.449  5.003  1.514  3.011  6.735 -0.324
##  [73]  1.232 11.197  7.786  5.069  4.301 -0.818  1.554  1.232 11.197  7.617  5.069  4.113
##  [85]  1.265 -1.124  2.535  1.446  6.317  4.182  7.111  0.354  4.307  1.903  4.607  5.672
##  [97]  2.211  4.978  4.451  4.504

1.7 市占率

如果我們有好幾個產品, 比方說 list(c(1,1,1,1), c(2,2,2,2), c(1,2,1,2), c(2,1,2,1)) :

pds = list(c(1,1,1,1), c(2,2,2,2), c(1,2,1,2), c(2,1,2,1))
uts = sapply(pds, UT )
##       [,1]   [,2]   [,3]  [,4]
## [1,] 2.690 -0.568  1.232 0.890
## [2,] 7.835  5.397 11.197 2.035
## [3,] 6.738  1.986  7.786 0.938
## [4,] 3.511  6.869  5.069 5.311
## [5,] 2.401  9.101  4.301 7.201
## [6,] 4.572 -1.618 -0.818 3.772


(tb = table(apply(uts, 1, which.max)))
##  1  2  3  4 
## 59 15 19  7
amPie(data.frame(label=names(tb), value=as.vector(tb)),
      inner_radius=50, depth=10, show_values=TRUE, legend=TRUE)